When You Read Something Gut Wrenching

TIM MILLER will make your tummy queasy, but the way he writes someone not being able to move is pretty much terrifying.

DollhouseDollhouse by Tim Miller
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

If you are looking for true gore and a little bit of shock then this is the book to do it. Okay maybe a lot of shock, also don't eat before or while you read if you have an eyeball thing, -shudders- I'll read more from Miller.

View all my reviews

Ernie Lester is a grown man who likes to play with dolls. Except his dolls are not actually dolls. They are living, breathing women. Using drugs to paralyze them, he brings new girls into his "Family" where he bathes, feeds, and uses them to decorate his Dollhouse.

When Ernie sets his sights on Jodi, he realizes he must have her at all costs. Everything about her would be perfect for his Dollhouse. Problem is, Jodi comes with a heavy price. Will she end up as one of Ernie's dolls? Or will Ernie finally push things too far? Find out in one of Tim Miller's most terrifying tales to date.

Tucker and Dale vs. Evil!!

I've often talked about combining Romantic Comedy and Horror in some sort of parody combination amazing epic story. I just watched Tucker and Dale versus Evil and it was great!
I didn't like the blurb or description said they were backwoods because while not super bright the leads were just good old country boys.

The movie is awesome and Tucker and Dale are hilarious as misunderstood country boys. A group of self-involved teenagers think they're just backwoods killers, but it's all a misunderstanding and there's a love story!!

It's on NetFlix, you should watch it!

Charlie Charlie Challenge

Charlie Charlie Challenge
Leave the demons where they lie

I was bored, it was only three o'clock and the day had ticked by slowly since I arrived at work that morning. The student workers returned from lunch and sat around my desk. My brother and two of his friends were there as they were working for the summer.
I was searching through social media looking for interesting things to read to them when I came across the trend #charliecharliechallenge. I was intrigued so I read on. It turned out there was a challenge where teenagers were trying to summon a demon with pencils and a chant.
I watched a video on YouTube of people doing it. They said, "Charlie, Charlie are you here, Charlie, Charlie can we play?" and the pencil turned to yes. They all ran out of the room. On another poorly filmed video the same thing happened and everyone freaked out so the camera went all over the place. It was video after video of the pencil turning so of course it had to be true.
I laughed and read it to James, DJ, and Paul.
"There's this thing on the internet, it's trending right now and there are tons of videos. People are running out of the room when the pencil turns. It has to be some kind of trick right?"
"I don't know," Paul said, "we'll try it tonight."
"I'll try it right now, let's look up instructions." I felt like it would be a fun thing to do. It was bright in the office, sure it would be spooky if it turned, but it wasn't really something I thought was going to work.
"This is dumb." Saying it out loud made it even more apparent that what I was doing was stupid, and it probably wouldn't work. Of course, there's always that slight little inkling that something might happen, that something could happen.
I drew the cross on a piece of paper and wrote yes on two sides and no on two sides. If it turned to yes then he was in the room and you could ask him questions that he would give you the answer too.
A source said to “use his demonic life experience to find out answers.” Alrighty then.
I put the two pencils on the paper and waited. I wanted to see if it would turn on its own. Nothing happened and I looked at the pictures to make sure it didn't need to be balanced. The pencil turned in each without being balanced. Nothing happened, so through some giggles I said the line. "Charlie, Charlie are you here?" I waited.
Nothing happened, but we all stared intently waiting for it to do something. My brother kicked the desk and the pencil still didn't move.
"Man, that's disappointing," I said as I repeated the phrase. Nothing happened with the pencil, it didn’t even twitch.
I’m no dummy though. I still read the words to close the portal just in case. The student center was haunted and it wasn’t a good idea to take any chances.
“Charlie, Charlie can we stop.”
I threw the paper away and put the pencils back in the cup on my desk. I was actually bummed it hadn’t done anything in front of us. I should have been pleased, but I was bummed.
I went about my day as if nothing had happened, because in my mind nothing had. I ran and went home to eat dinner. Got ready for bed and climbed in under the covers to read. I hadn’t gotten very far, when I suddenly felt very cold.  Sleep overtook me and I snuggled under the covers with my puppy.
When I awoke I saw that the puppy was gone and all the covers had been thrown off.
I saw her standing at the foot of my bed as I came out of my sleep thinking I was still dreaming. Her face was covered in blood and she smiled wide with yellow teeth. Her head tilted sideways as she studied me.
“You’ll do nicely.” Her voice was gravely like she had inhaled dirt and was talking through it. I scrambled from under the covers and up against my head board.
“Who are you?”
“I’m Charlie’s forever.” She climbed on the bed the stench rolling off of her choking me as her black eyes stared into mine.
“Charlie?” I didn’t understand. It didn’t make any sense who she was or what she wanted.
She crawled towards me slowly as I cowered at the corner of my bed. I was frozen by fear the thought of wishing her away was all I could think of. I closed my eyes and told myself it wasn’t real.  My eyes didn’t open until I felt her touch me. It burned like my arm was on fire. She had slid backwards so her back was to me, I could see her faded tattoo Charlie across her back in fading black letters. My legs and arms were stretched out beside me, I had no choice. The strength she possessed as a tiny spirit was that of ten grown men. She was going to break me, I knew it would hurt. Her hand reached through my body and her arm disappeared into mine. Searing pain as the bones in my arm fought to keep her out.
I fought really hard. She laughed as piece by piece she inserted herself into me like some demonic puzzle fitting each limb, a shoulder, and finally a head in its place. When the disgusting rotten head leaned back to fit the final piece it hurt the worst. I felt her in my brain behind my eyes and my thoughts mixed with hers. Charlie hacking into her head with an ax outside the very building I had chosen to play some stupid childish game. Charlie entering DJ the same way she had entered me, because I had called them from the grave and they were going to walk the Earth again inside of our bodies.
She remains inside me and I have become her prisoner. The pain hasn’t gone away, as she sears through me like she is burning, and it’s a torturous existence. I think I know what hell must feel like. I want to die.

The End

Horror Lit Spotlight - The Red Door

Max's teenage life just got a whole lot scarier...
Max is your typical 16-year-old trying to navigate his way through yet another high school, in 1962. Unable to avoid the bullies that love to torment everyone in their sight, Max plays along. But when they demand he go into the abandoned Starke house at midnight, on the anniversary of the serial killer's execution, Max is not overly anxious to comply. For it is said Starke reappears at the scene of the crime, back to where he buried all those boys in his basement. Given the task of returning with a chip of blood from the basement door, Max heads into the house, determined to make fools out of every one of them. For only a fool would believe in such nonsense...right?
About the Author
E. H. James has always been fascinated by the unexplained. Wanting to delve deeper into the unknown, James has read and researched in the areas of parapsychology and metaphysics, for the past 40 years.

Taking those first hand experiences, involving the unexplained, James has woven the real and imaginary together into stories of the strange and bizarre.

James's stories range from the paranormal and horror, to fantasy and science fiction, from short stories and novellas, to 100K+ novels. 
My Review - ****
Creepy and a nice chilling read 

Look it's Lachelle!!

A quick share from my friend and fellow horror author Lachelle Reed 

Over the top sex, betrayal and death –

These are the only words one can describe when reading When Angels Fall by Lachelle Redd. This author spins a tale about a rich kid who had everything and lost it and his soul to hell’s henchman. A former angel, Margonne is determined to come topside and wreak havoc as only he knows how. Accompanied by a company lackey, this fallen one creates of world of lust, desire and power that can only attract those damned to follow his path.
Check out this gory ride to hell and back.

As Above So Below Doesn't Suck

I didn't hate it, but the way it was filmed made me think of Blair Witch a bit, and it will kind of make you nauseous.

I immediately thought the main character was a dumb ass for pretty much everything she did. How ever it wasn't so bad that you couldn't get into what was happening. I was also claustrophobic for them the whole time. I did think that Perdita Weeks was pretty despite her bad choices. The fact that they started the journey into the catacombs by crawling over human bones means nothing good is going to come of it.

The scares start off slow and not too threatening. Something a little eerie here and something a little eerie there. It revs up and keeps growing in scares throughout the movie, and gets very bloody and kind of damn they are all going to hell towards the end.

All and all I liked the movie